The World’s Most Important Prayer

What praying the prayer does.  You say the prayer after the speaker.  A prayer for you follows.  Understand what happened by downloading a free e-booklet posted on this website: What it Means to be Born Again – Understanding God’s Plan of Salvation.  There is  a post for a  printable window decal or bumper sticker labels with a QR code that takes a person to this prayer.  After the prayer, click this orange text link if you want the document to make qr code prayer labels: WMIP QR Code labels. Below, in red, is your part of the recorded prayer, so you can read what you are praying. Additional supporting information, not in the recording, is also provided.

World’s Most Important Prayer for Audio Recording to be posted on Website for link to QR code in Praying Hands graphic.

What you are about to hear is The World’s Most Important Prayer.  This Holy Bible based prayer will:

1)      Make you a child of God.

2)      Erase all your sins – the things you did that separated you from God

3)      Give you a right relationship with God as a free gift

4)      Give you eternal life as a free gift, compliments of Jesus Christ

5)      Cause God the Holy Spirit to begin living in you, giving you the power to obey God, and the willingness to serve Him.

6)      Transfer the spiritual ownership of your life from the hate filled kingdom of darkness (controlled by Satan & demons), to the loving kingdom of God’s dear Son (Jesus Christ)

7)      Put the love of God in your heart – to love yourself, and others.

Now it is time to start praying (along with the above audio recording). There will be a pause after each sentence so that you can repeat what you hear.  God requires that you pray this sincerely, out loud, and from your heart.  Let’s begin.  Please repeat after me:

“Father God, I come before you in Jesus’ name.

I ask you to reveal yourself to me and come into my life.

Forgive all my sins.

Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus.

I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me.

I believe you raised Him from the dead to give me new life.

I now confess Jesus Christ to be the Lord and Master of my life.

I command Satan to depart from me in Jesus’ name.

Lord, now give me your promised free gift of eternal life.

Write my name in Your Book of Life.

Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can follow and obey You.

Cause me to know You personally, and to experience Your abundant life.

Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer as You promised you would.


Stop praying.  Congratulations! You are now a King’s kid.  Your assurance that God has heard and answered your prayer rests on God’s ability to keep His Word.

Now Listen as I pray for you:

“Father God, I thank You for having heard and answered this person’s prayer because you said, “He who comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out.  Your Son Jesus said, “He who believes in Me has (now possesses) eternal life.”  Fill him/her with your Holy Spirit.  Give him/her the inward witness that you are now living in him/her as you promised You would.  Evil, sickness, disease, depression, addiction, I command you to leave this child of God now, in Jesus’ name.  Healing power of Jesus, go through him/her from the top of his/her head to the souls of his/her feet, making him/her completely whole.

Now watch over him/her with your divine protection, guidance, joy, success, and victory. Cause him/her to grow in his/her relationship with You. Make him/her a blessing to those around him/her.

I ask for and believe I have received these things by faith.  In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

To better understand all this, there is a free e-booklet on the internet for you titled

What it Means to be Born Again – Understanding God’s Plan of Salvation.  Download this read on your tablet or smart phone booklet by clicking on the following link: Free e-booklet Download

If you have questions, you may e-mail Reverends David and Harriet Hupp at:

In closing, Don’t forget to tell someone that you asked Jesus into your heart today, and He has given you a reservation for Heaven with Him for your eternity.

Jesus said in Luke 12:8 NLT, “I tell you the truth, everyone who acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, the Son of Man will also acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels.”

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