E-tracts – Read Order 4 sharing on Social Media

Do Good People Go to Heaven RO

Digital “PDF Interactive” Tract documents in read order.  With the increasing popularity of social media (interacting with others by way of touch screen smart phones and tablets), one can now share the good news of Jesus Crist without the expense of printing and shipping physical tracts. One can turn the pages by a wipe of a finger. The second use of these tracts is to see what tracts are available in an easy-to-read format as an aid in ordering printed tracts. What follows is a list of these new format tracts along with clickable links to view the document for each title, and then, if desired, use the web browser download icon to save the document to the Downloads folder in the operating system of the computer.

Note: click on the thumbnail cover image to view the tract, not the orange text title. When next window opens, click on thumbnail again which opens read order PDF document. On a non-touch screen tower computer or laptop, scroll down with mouse or touch pad to advance tract pages.

Here is a direct link to a sample read order E-tract titled Life’s 2 Most Important Questions.

Here are other tracts titles along with thumbnail cover images being added in our spare time.:

Do Good People Go to Heaven RO

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