Ministry Updates

The purpose of this tab on our website is threefold. 1) It uses pictures and text to highlight how God is blessing and expanding HIS Printing ministry through us. 2) It shows the type of print jobs we have been doing recently to show you the kind of work we are capable of doing. 3) You can use our free documents and guidance to reach souls for Jesus.

February 2025 – Successful booklet tract professionally enlarged to read order poster table display & Large 24″w by 38.55 h” size for large easel. Here is the link to the three-page how it was done PDF article with color pictures.Booklets to Medium and Large Poster Display Sets



July 2024 – 95,000 small Spanish tract booklets – View 1 page PDF newsletter


April 2024 – Years ago, a powerful healing Evangelist Dick Handley told me that if I was feeling down and wanted to see a move of God, I should take my Bible and go down to the shopping center. Years later, through a prophet under a strong anointing, the Lord promised with “Thus saith the Lord…” to make a successful preacher out of me. A prophetess and former law school professor came and whispered in my ear “Doors of opportunity will open for you. Don’t be afraid to enter into them.” Then, a few years ago, another man of God had told me I would be doing more than just printing.

When I saw an organized Christian group helping the homeless on Thursday mornings in the local Salvation Army parking lot, with free showers, haircuts, food, clothing, social services, metal health assessment, and drug abuse assessment / physician’s assistant, I asked if I could join them by putting up the pictured prayer table. Shown (to the right) is Greg, a former methamphetamine addict and alcoholic, and the first person we led in asking Jesus Christ to come into his heart as personal Lord & Savior. Three men agreed to be taken to the local detox, with an option to enter a recover program. One Hispanic lady I had to talk to in Spanish, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and the barber’s back was substantially healed after soaking prayer with the laying on of lands. The Lord gave me encouraging words for a couple living in their car and the man could feel jolts of Holy Spirit electricity in his body as I spoke. The Lord also gave me songs and scripture verses. A minister called and I sang “We have heard the Joyful sound Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves” which, unknown to me, had been the theme song for his ministry for 20 years! God will use us to help fulfill the Great Commission (Mark 16:15) if we will only “Go…”. At a “Charismatic Clinic” in the 1970’s A major Evangelist, T.L. Osbourne, who had struggled in his early days, had challenged us with the words, “Just which part of the word ‘Go’, is it you don’t understand?”

October 2024 – Now, Each Thursday morning, Greg and I are busy talking to and praying with people for 3+ hours!

September 2023 – 80,000 English Know Your Future Gospel Tract Booklets






Harriet got a “word of knowledge” or “word of wisdom” from the Lord that our biggest yearly printing request was going to happen.  We bought supplies at the Paper Supply company, and the next day The Wayside Harvesters, Inc., called to place the order, which took up to a month to do.

June 2023 – After our having helped a longstanding Gospel Tract ministry over a period of 19 years, we were asked to take over their ministry, and we did. They delivered their equipment and printed tracts which fit nicely in our print shop. Now our variety of tracts has increased to 100 or more. We are operating in God’s appointed area of Ministry, and we are being blessed!

January 2023 – English, Spanish, and Portuguese Gospel Tracts on Hand (many folded and shrink wrapped) offered on a Donation basis. Being an evangelistic ministry, we want our inventory of printed tracts, which been sitting in our tract room for years, to get distributed (passed out).  Here is a clickable link to a PDF list of tracts with website links to brief descriptions and links to the PDF digital documents of the tracts listed. Download

October 2022 – A God Story! – 50,000 Spanish Teseros en el Cielo How to do Soul Winning  booklets with a full color cover.

After making 100,000 two color Spanish Know Your Future booklets, we found the shipping cost and cost of paper had gone way up in price. The Wayside Harvesters, Inc. in Palm Springs, CA asked us to add 50,000 of their 24 page two color how to do soul winning booklet, only with a full color cover. After experimenting with the registration accuracy of the Canon Image press color laser printer compared to the two color exact registration of our printing press, I was able to print the four to a sheet full color covers on larger paper, then cut it down to legal size and print insides of the booklet on the printing press.

The two jobs together weighed 2,025 pounds!  The Quotes from shipping companies were as high as $5,500. I was not feeling well. I thought I had a chemical reaction to the carpet cleaning solution I used to clean up the mess after sealing the last of the 37 boxes it took to box the two jobs, boxes weighing up to 53 pounds each. Unknown to me I had gotten the  Covid 19 virus, even though I had received a vaccine and a booster. We rented an economical U haul van, and traveled in the middle of the night through the Los Angeles area with no traffic issues. I went 4 hours without having to urinate when we found an easy access rest stop off highway 10. I unloaded the boxes into shed in 110 degree heat. On the way home, by divine guidance in our driving, we met with fellow ministers in Couca Monga where I spoke to a young upcoming Evangelist about that ministry office. When we got home I checked with the people we had interacted with, and no one outside my wife and me got the virus! Our symptoms were mild!

November 2022 – Textbooks & window Posters for an accredited Bible University

July 2021 – Gospel Tract Booklets for Prisons  – We redesigned a stapled booklet layout to be read order like a paperback book, bound with brush on padding glue. The two colors were changed to grayscale. Computer PDF documents are available in English or Spanish, for a laser printer, or a one color printing press, along with printing and bindery instructions for the laser printer versions. See new website page titled Tracts 4 Prisoners.

.January 2022 – I was given an effective delivering / healing prayer for dealing with the Covid – 19 virus. Here is the clickable link to the 3 page PDF document.






May 2021 – Made 100,000 small tract booklets in English and Spanish. The morning a machinery repair technician was having difficulty with an expensive repair of a professional laser printer, The Wayside Harvesters called to place a large order for their evangelism booklets.The Ryobi press had good registration at 9,000 2 color copies an hour. The Lord also showed me how to finish the laser printer repair!

March 2021 – All 25 Desktop Publishing You Tube Training Videos are now collected in one location on a single DVD pictured here.  For a DVD, USA residents may e-mail David: Click here  for a PDF titles list with clickable links to the videos on You Tube.

March 2021




300 Paperback Books (three titles), and 100 Thick Booklets for a non-profit World wide House Churches ministry in Oklahoma, USA.  Roy Cypher visited us about 2012 to get two of his out of print books  reprinted. Later We helped him design and print a booklet, Beyond the Veil; and a new, top quality book with pictures titled Answering the Call to Missions. These projects required special skill, and were a labor of love.

February 2021 – With permission of Christian Cartoonist Ron Wheeler, we made a PDF set of poster size cartoons (22″ x 28″) and an 11 page guide in English to Share the Good News orally in any language without a written language or translation. One can even display the drawings on a big screen TV from a computer without having to print posters. Download

Note: Ron Wheeler has full color tracts you either buy or make yourself by buying and downloading the PDF documents.

December 2020 – Two New Pages added to Website – Children’s Tracts & Tracts for Teenagers  Two research studies revealed: According To Dr. Bryant Myers (Fuller Theological Seminary), 85% Of People Who Accept Jesus Christ As Their Savior, Do So Between The Ages of 4 And 14!
BARNA Research Organization Also Found That People Are
More Likely To Accept Christ As Their Savior When They Are Young!

November 2020 – Prison Art Tracts section added to website. When the Free tract Society gave us their collection of gospel tract negatives to convert to digital documents for a color laser printer laser, there were a number of tracts written and illustrated by prisoners. In all I posted 32 downloadable documents with a thumbnail picture of each one. The art on the left shows how Photoshop can be used to convert a one color art piece to multiple colors without having to worry about the color separations previously needed for a printing press.

October 2020 – Apostle Dick Handley and David Hupp worked together to make a new page on this website titled Evangelism Signs & Posters. It connects you to a five page article download on the subject containing links to documents you can use, testimonies to the effectiveness of Posters, and an offer to make you poster documents you can print in your native languages.

July 2020 – Newer Graphic Arts Quality Canon ImagePRESS C750 production color laser printer

About 2 years ago a man of God got the revelation that we would be getting equipment upgrades. A few months ago we were trying to print 40,000 copies for two booklet jobs, when all five of our laser printers were not working correctly, and the main 11 year old one could not be fixed. We agreed to find a faster and higher quality 2017 model for a price limit my wife and I had set. We didn’t trust the ads on E-bay – Would it work, who would deliver and install it, would it make book insides, booklets, and make, with exact registration, the films for printing plates for our offset printing presses. We called a previous contact, an official Canon dealer. We were able to test our jobs before the purchase. My many questions were satisfactorily answered. Also, I needed a 220 volt designated wall plug in the computer room. With God’s help and the supervision of an electrical contractor, I made and turned in a plan, got a city permit, did the install, and got it approved, all for the permit fee and cost of materials! “‘Lord help’ they cried, and He did.”  – Psalm 107

January 2020 – We wanted a free e-book on Discipleship & Evangelism for new believers in Jesus, and we found a nice one from Andrew Wommack Ministries International. It is available is several languages. Here is the Clickable Link to the downloads page on their website.

October 2019 – Newest Christian Evangelism Training e-book edition posted for free reading or download on this website. Here is the clickable Link

October 2019 – Newest Christian Evangelism Training e-book edition posted for free reading or download on this website. Here is the clickable Link

September 2019 – Helping the Free Tract Society of Los Angeles.

Got a call from the head of FTS asking help making printed gospel tracts seen in this picture digital for laser printers, and free use by posting files on the internet. After days of experimenting, decided to scan the press negatives for highest quality, but needed a specialty scanner. After prayer we were able to buy the new scanner. I am looking forward to undertaking this big project as it was something I had wanted to do for years. Will be working with other volunteers to do this. A free DVD on how to help is now available by mail to USA residents. Contact David:

September 2019 – Two new YouTube Training Video links added to training page of this website.

After being asked by the Free Tract Society to help convert their press printed tracts to digital documents for a color laser printer, I made 3 screen capture youtube videos on how to do this. First is 51 minutes,  second is 20 minutes, third 25 minutes. Here are the links:

Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Part 3 –

July 2019 – Booklet maker purchase leads to big Evangelism booklet job

We needed a heavier duty machine. I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to look for a Stitch n Fold which jogs the sets, forms up to 60,000 staples per roll of wire, and can work with our collator. I looked on E bay and found one about 140 miles away. With $150 of new parts, and adjustments, it does 1,000 booklets an hour, even 100 page booklets. We got a thick booklet job, then a 10,000 reorder of Seven Things God Wants Us to Know which has brought 3,500 young people to Jesus. This August Hope for Homeless Youth says 52 schools will be open to their ministry and church pastors are asking them for training in street evangelism. I was also told that they want to increase their evangelism printing with us.

We sent one box of booklets just in time for the Watermelon Festal where HFHY had a booth. 65 people came to Jesus at that event.  God had been leading me and I followed, resulting in this blessing.

1/18/2019 – Gospel Tract Idea becomes a Reality after 20 years!

William in New York had been working on a gospel tract for twenty years. He looked for help on the internet, saw our tract making and printing ministry, and began working with us by e-mail. When we sent him a finished PDF document, and offered to post it for free use on our website, as well as make a read order e-tract, he first reaction was “Wow!”


Know Your Future     Booklet  tracts Window Display

The pages of the tract booklets were exported as JPEG images from the computer document, enlarged in Photoshop, then placed back into the page layout program to fit on two Dollar Tree poster boards 22″ by 28″, taped end to end and laminated. The documents are printed on a wide format laser printer like our Epson Stylus Pro 7600. The finished size is 22.5″ tall by 56.5″ long. One can add church contact information in the blank space in the bottom right corner. The computer document file sizes  are too large to post as a download from this website. You can request the documents on a dual layer DVD for Adobe Indesign CS 5, or press quality Adobe Acrobat PDFs. The PDF will include a text box for you to type in your contact information before printing.

11/21/2018 The largest job we have ever done completed!

240,000 English and Spanish Know Your Future booklet tracts printed, 200,000+ shipped. Picture is 20 boxes of Spanish.

In about 2000, I took an interest in reproducing a small 16 page booklet gospel tract by Mel Gerrard, in English, Spanish, and French. We began printing the English and Spanish for ministries like The Free Tract Society of Los Angeles, CA. Last year a man of God told me we would get a customer that that would enable us to send tracts around the world. Not soon after this, the President of Wayside Harvesters, Inc. called me and said that from now on they would have us do all their printing. The print shop of their printer had burned down, and, evidently they had no computer documents to continue printing their popular soul winning booklets; but I did, perfectly laid out to print on legal size sheets for a two color press like ours. We then got an order for 100,000 each of English and Spanish requiring 40 boxes of paper. It took about 16 days of printing and three plus months of bindery work. With the Lord’s help and volunteers, we overcame every obstacle. The finished job weighed about 2,200 lbs, too heavy a load for our car and trailer. A semi truck picked up and delivered the job last week.

July 2018 Poster size tract display at county fair.

The Lord helped me fix the printer pictured in the last update by buying aftermarket “damper parts”. I got the idea of using the computer to enlarge the small pages of the Know Your Future booklet gospel tract in Spanish and English to 28 x 22″ poster boards sold at the local Dollar Tree store for 50 cents each. On the non coated side, the 24″ inkjet printer did a very good job. I laminated the 16 sheets and trimmed the edges to a 1/8″ border. I put the set on a light duty display easel, and took it to a booth of a local church at the county fair. A lady and four children walked up and asked to see the presentation. I showed it for the first time, explaining the message. At the end, all five viewers got in a circle with the booth staff and prayed the World’s Most Important Prayer asking Jesus into their hearts. I am offering to make these poster sets for $100 each with the church’s contact information on the back as seen in the picture. The poster set can also be fastened together with eyelets and book rings at the top to flip the pages over on a tripod display. About 20 people prayed with the team the first day I was at the fair. Wow, praise God!

June 2018 – 30,000 more two color Gospel Tracts – This year we put in a bid at a local auction to get an imagesetter that images metal printing press plates from computer documents. Although disappointed at not getting this machine, I decided to make changes in our computer documents to accommodate our cheaper and less accurate computer to plate system by way of laser printer film positives and a light exposure box that burns the laser image onto the press plate. I bought thicker .008″ thick plates and premium grade thicker .004″ film material. On computer documents, I changed difficult registration jobs so two colors of text were not on the same line. On one job involving a prison art cover, we had used Adobe Photoshop to add a red fill to the artist’s title, and separated the red blood on Jesus’ hand to go on its own red plate along with the title fill. The accuracy of registration between colors on the artwork using our two color exact registration printing press was excellent. By designing a less fancy tract, I was able to get good quality. Years of learning to work with what technology we currently have (learning from past mistakes), has made our printing ministry for the Lord less frustrating. Over the past year, I was told, prophetically, that we would be getting equipment upgrades. Until then, we will be content to do the best we can with the equipment and technology God has entrusted us with.

May 2018 – A Wide-Format “Plotter” Printer and a new client

Our 13″ wide photo printer had a hardware failure and was no longer usable. Harriet & I agreed I could buy a 24″ wide printer sometimes called a “plotter”. I did the research. A Canon Pro Graph with stand was about $1,200. We kept our search to ourselves. I went to another city to help finish an online university website. The Spirit of the Lord came upon a modern day prophet there. He worked as an IT tech. He told me the Lord was providing us with equipment upgrades, including a “plotter”. Harriet had become aware of Public Surplus auctions on the internet. We found an Epson 24″ Stylus Pro 7600″, bid on it, won and picked it up for $219. Here is a picture of it printing a sign, the World’s Most Important Prayer in English and Spanish.

Another prophetic worship minister in the same home told me I would be getting, probably within three months, a (large) client that would have jobs we could handle that would reach nations for Jesus. I returned home and was weeding a side yard when the president of The Wayside Harvesters, Inc. called and said they would be using us to do all their printing  from now on. They evangelize fairs and festivals and are so successful that hundreds of people come to Jesus at one event! This ministry received literature requests from around the world, and sends these booklets free to ministries in other countries that can not afford to pay for them.

January 2018 – 40,000 Know Your Future Booklet tracts

I wanted to pay the utilities, insurance, and building taxes each month, but was only making $900 a month Social Security retirement. A Christian in India we had been sending tracts to e-mailed me that the Lord had shown him that jobs and money would be coming in. My wife noted that we needed more English booklet tracts and wrote it on the shop blackboard as a project. She sensed that the author of the booklet had died and we needed to get in touch with their organization to see what was going on. The son, Andy, was now in charge, his dad had died, he needed more of these booklets, and the Christian printing company he had been using in Palm desert had been destroyed in a fire! We made The Wayside Harvesters, Inc. 20,000 booklets and delivered them on the way back from a Christmas vacation to comfort a widowed relative. We decided to print extras. I had learned so much since I had started printing these booklets in the year 2000, I was able to do 8,500 sheets an hour for 80,000 sheets (for 40,000 booklets) with no paper jams. Two volunteers helped with the bindery work and we finished and went on vacation with only a day to spare! It had taken multiple volunteers a week to finish. We were paid $1,275 for the job. I switched the city bills to an automatic payment from our ministry checking account, and we are trusting God to continue helping us pay the bills. Yesterday a reprint request came in for 500 prisoner to minister full color testimony booklets titled “Wanted for Crimes Against Humanity…”.

November 20, 2017 – Seven Things God Wants Us to Know booklet tract has amazing soul winning results.

Before 2008 I started printing for Hope For Homeless Youth at the Dream Center in Los Angeles. Pastor Clayton had made paste-up artwork for a booklet tract they were making on a photocopier. When the booklet was passed out and discussed to a group of young people, many would pray and ask Jesus into their hearts as personal Lord and Savior. To date, 3,500 people have come to Jesus using this booklet which we now print.  I improved the quality and converted it to computer medium. We also made a Spanish version. Both are posted for free use on this website. In this picture, Pastor Clayton took people to Pasadena High School to do a presentation using these booklets and a survey. These are four of seven saved through this outreach, which he plans to make a regular event. We print this job on our one color Ryobi printing press,  collate it using our electric collator, then run it through our booklet maker. Today we finished and are shipping 1,000 more booklets for a Christmas outreach.

June 2017 – 30,000 Gospel tracts made for Evangelism in Mexico

About 1999, Alfredo Valdez, a Christian prison art inmate on death row in San Quentin prison sent me a copy of an unfinished art work titled Why John 3:16?, asking me to write a message to go with it. The Lord had told me I would write things that would help other people, whether I thought it would help them or not. Audrey Revell of Dore Studio in San Francisco furnished me on CD, a collection of this and other artwork for making tracts. I made a tract with the artwork as the cover. Later we separated the artwork into two spot colors for our larger printing press.  My wife used Adobe Photoshop to erase the English title so I could substitute a Spanish title. In 2000 We began printing and giving the English and Spanish tracts to 10+ ministries. We figure we have now printed 100,000+ of these tracts. I pray the Lord will do the same with the other 15 tracts He has anointed me to design and print. The printable PDF documents for these tracts are posted on this website. Some documents allow one to add a custom contact address before printing. The Free Tract Society now uses our Porque Juan 3:16? Spanish tract document to print the tract themselves, with their contact information. I may add more prison art tracts in our collection to this website.

March 2017 – Online Bible University coming

We were asked to take an accredited Bible University established in 1970 and make an Internet (Online) version to train and ordain ministers world wide. We had never started a website from scratch, but are making progress after a strong confirmation by God the Holy Spirit that He wants us to do this project. “The will of the Lord makes a way for itself.” For University on the Air (presently offline), we are having to convert  books printed   before there were computers, into fresh text using OCR (optical character recognition) software. The fresh text PDF books digital file size is greatly reduced for fast upload and download from the upcoming new website. The website and domain name hosting company only allows a 30 megabyte maximum file size upload. We are glad to learn new skills as we accomplish this new project.

April 2017 RE: Our Easter card tract

We design tracts and post the documents for free use on this website with the anticipation that people will print and distribute the literature as an evangelism tool to bring people to know Jesus Christ personally. This year, we printed batches of this tract for a Rescue Mission banquet for the homeless, as well as what you see here for our Easter Rescue Mission Chapel service – we have been doing their weekly chapel services for over 7 years.  We printed and mailed 330 for Our Dog Ministry, a Christian homeless camps outreach in the Fresno, CA area.  Pastor friends asked us to make them some for their church in southern California, and for  the Cross satellite television network in Duarte, CA.  A couple of years ago, a church pastor in the Odissa Province of India wanted, on short notice, an Orriya language version of this to pass out early Easter morning in their predominately Hindu religion location – He got the tracts just in time, like the day before the event, even though my computer had problems displaying and printing their language.

October 14, 2016 – Reproducing & Making Professional, 7 Gospel Tracts

Mrs. Butler from Texas, with her friends, has been witnessing for the Lord in surrounding apartment complexes for the past 25 years. They used Gospel tracts she designed and printed using the old technology “cut & paste” “camera ready” artwork, making copies on a photo copier. She found out about us through the internet and sent me, by postal mail, her 7 paste ups, asking that I make the tracts professional, which would include converting them to computer documents. I found new clip art, and scanned and cleaned some of her line art drawings using Adobe Photoshop. I assembled the graphics, adding spot color and fresh text. I did the layout for color laser printer; and so I could separate the colors for a possible larger quantity printing on our two color printing press. Here is a clickable link to PDF document tract-remake-comparisons showing before and after pictures of each tract, as well as a black only version of the last tract. It took days of work , e-mail and phone texting communication. Now that we have a business in the city with monthly utility bills, we asked for a donation for our labor plus a per tract printing fee, plus shipping. When Mrs. Butler saw the PDF of the first of her tracts, she e-mailed, “I am soooo glad I found you!” As a bonus, we are posting these tract documents on our website for free use, as well as making read order “e-tract” PDFs  for sharing by social media.

Note: We are now able to issue tax deductible receipts for donations we receive.

September – October 2016 – Doing jobs at our new location

After passing all city inspections and getting our non-profit tax exempt city business license, we began production work at the Print Shop location. First I made more paperback books and booklets a ministry couple who came and stayed with us so we could work on getting their newest paperback book, Answering the Call to Missions, ready to print. We made more brochures, business cards, book advertisements, and e-books on CDs for their upcoming conference back east. We reproduced, with nice labels, two testimony DVDs.

Before they arrived, we were told that the heads of our parent organization, Mercy International, Inc., were going to an evangelistic outreach in Mexico. We printed, cut and folded 10,000 Porque Juan 3:16? (Why John 3:16?)  two color prison art Gospel tracts I wrote and designed, delivering the donation to the home of the ministers leaving for Mexico the next week. We printed an extra 10,000 of these tracts without a contact address, for sale in our  tract display room.

June 26, 2016 – Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree davids-dd-degree-4-web-bestfor David Hupp from EMIBU, accredited with ACI, the world’s largest non-governmental accrediting agency.

September, 2016 – Christian Evangelism Printing moves to the city of Santa Maria, within 2 miles of where we live. The building (1900 square feet) was bought by Harriet’s family trust. We got approval from the city to get a non-profit tax exempt business license as a subsidiary of Mercy International, Inc.  The equipment is all in place and operational. We passed two city inspections and have been given the OK to do business at that location. Highlights of the move were: 1. Homeless people in the area would see we needed help and volunteer to help us a critical points. 2. A man in Canada we have never met contacted us by e-mail and said he wanted to pay the $437.50 tow truck fee to move the 2,800 lb 2 color Ryobi printing press, something we couldn’t do ourselves.  3) for the two smaller presses, we rented a heavy duty motorcycle trailer.  We arrived with the loaded trailer Saturday late afternoon.  It had to be returned to a nearby city the next day at 11AM. A homeless retired carpenter came and worked until midnight with winches and dollies to get the presses inside the building and into position. 4) An electrician added a 220 volt sub panel in the press room for five pieces of equipment that needed designated outlets. Unknown to us, he evidently didn’t have a current state license, and didn’t get a city permit to do the work, so the city wouldn’t inspect the work and give us a business license without a permit. A ministry team in Bakersfield we did a small booklet for titled How to be More Than a Conqueror, had taken an interest in our ministry and had us as guests on their internet TV show Open Up. The husband, Robert, had a commercial electrical contractor’s license. He worked with us by phone, fax and e-mail to handle the whole job to get the permit and pass the inspection.  A local electrical engineer said drawing a plan would cost $2000!  I scanned the small floor plan blueprint copy off the real estate paperwork, and enlarged it and used Adobe Photoshop to draw in the additional electrical circuits along with typed explanations. I stood on God’s promise in Romans 8:28 in the bible that He was turning this all for good. From there it was smooth sailing to get our permits, pass remaining inspections and get our non-profit business license. 5) By spray painting white over the existing Teamster’s Union signs, I was able to design a sign on the computer, have a sign shop print it and apply it, and get the city to approve it at no charge. We went to our neighbors to use their fax machine. It was the husbands day off and he and his son volunteered to come and screw the signs in place.





August 2016 – We Spent 2+ weeks making comb bind books for a Bible University for their Fall semester. Some of these books had been created in 1970 when the university began, so they were not on computer medium. Successive copying without a designated original had resulted in crooked pages and unwanted background image. We printed from saved computer documents we had previously converted to digital medium. We were also given more books to convert. By converting the digital book files to PDF Interactive and slightly reducing the quality to get a smaller file size, the resulting e-books can be used in the online version of the university. When the website builder Go Daddy software said the maximum file upload was 30 megabytes, we realized cutting the books into parts wouldn’t work. Using Omnipage 17 and Abbyy 6 OCR (optical character recognition) software programs, we were able to convert the books to fresh text, and pictures taking the file size down to less than 30 megabytes for each textbook.

November to December 2016 – We enjoy working with outreach ministries, especially those helping the poor and homeless. We knew the season for county funded networking of churches to house people in times of rain or really cold weather was at hand. We contacted the director and printed and delivered the wallet sized cards pictured here. We also gave them directly to agencies we knew like the Rescue Mission and Salvation Army, and the Methodist church which has been offering free showers and haircuts. One all volunteer church was arranging laundry service for the homeless. We also provided full color Thanksgiving and Christmas tracts we designed and printed for the special large meals being served at the Salvation Army and two Rescue Missions. In addition, Harriet handknitted 60+ hats for the Rescue Mission. Using personal hygene items purchased at the Dollar Tree and 99 cent Store, we put together men’s and ladies 1 gallon plastic gift bags and candy packages.

January 2017 – We wanted to offer tract documents in more languages than just English & Spanish. We were informed by our tract associates at that Larry Kent at had written a tract and had it translated into about 100 languages. We were able to copy the list of language hyperlinks from another website, and then adjust the formatting in Microsoft Word, then paste it all into a new page on our website we have titled Foreign Language Tract. We found out a man named Denish in Kenya, East Africa, had been printing a tract from Larry’s website titled Who is Jesus?, and also printing a different Swahili language tract on our website that has the same title. His tract evangelism has been so successful that he is getting a response of up to 100 texts and calls per day on his phone! We received a personal e-mail from an anti-Christian man named David who had been dramatically changed by Jesus after receiving one of these tracts. David is now witnessing on the street with tracts supplied to him by Denish!

January 2017 – Did computer presentation to a local writers’ group on the ease and advantage of making PDF interactive E-books, along with how to begin the process of selling then online at Because an internet  connection could not be made, David did the parts requiring internet at home and used Snagit 13 screen capture software to record and then later play to the group the procedure.

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