December 27th, 2009
Booklet tract (16 pages), 4 to a legal size sheet, 8 signatures on four sheets printed both sides. Can be made as cheap as 2 1/2 cents each for cost of materials, on a printing press. For a press, request mirror image color separations on tabloid sheet. For color laser, print at 96% to allow necessary printing margins. Requires collating, a staple, folding, and trim on three sides. You should be able to type a custom contact address in the PDF document text box. HIS Print Media Ministries has the equipment to mas produce these.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Connais Ton Futur (Know Your Future booklet tract)
December 1st, 2009
A “work and tumble” 2 up on letter size paper. Print one side and then flip the paper 180 degrees on the long side and print the backside. Cut in half, then fold with row of little men on the outside.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Oriya #4 tract on buff paper
November 29th, 2009
This tract is two per letter size sheet and a “work and tumble”. Print the first side of the paper, flip the paper 180 degrees on the long edge and then print the backside. Cut the printed sheet in half, and fold with row of little men on outside.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Oriya Tract #3 pink paper
November 28th, 2009
Prints on letter size paper & is a “work and tumble”. Print one side, then flip the sheet 180 degrees on the long side and print same image again. Cut in half and fold with row of little men on the outside. Makes two tracts per sheet.
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November 22nd, 2009
Muslim Gunman at Fort Hood shows Islam is not a Religion of Peace or Love. There is a God of Peace and Love, and He wants to live within us complements of His Son and Prophet Jesus Christ.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Have You Been Hoodwinked?
July 4th, 2009
This document was totally recreated for a two color exact registration Offset Printing Press 2 per legal size sheet of paper. The two suggested colors are Pantone Reflex Blue and Pantone 185 / 186 red. The two PDF pages are flipped horizontal and made to print on 12″ by 18″ film positive in a tabloid laser printer’s manual feed tray. The larger film size was chosen to be able to include the 7/8″ plate bend. I can remake it to print in a legal size film positive. The Adobe Indesign page layout program and Postscript level 3 print driver drops out the blue background where the red title prints over it and hopefully makes a “trap” to allow for slight misregistration between colors. The blue background is a tint or screen of Reflex Blue to allow the laser printer to make a more uniform image on the film positive. Printed document requires a 5/16″ trim off top and bottom, 3/8″ off cover end, and a 1/8″ cut out of the middle. The printed and cut out tract has two folds.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Who Is Jesus? (English) 2 Color Separations for Printing Press
July 4th, 2009
Download / Read
Reproducing (by scanner & Computer) and printing existing tracts a high quality on a color laser printer or inkjet, making film positives and positive development metal plates for printing on a one or two color offset printing press.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Tract Making & Printing Instructions (30+ pages) by David Hupp
July 2nd, 2009
This tract is in a lot of different languages. It is completely reproduced like new for a color laser printer or inkjet, prints 2 per legal size sheet of paper, is a work and turn, has a 5/16″ trim off the top and bottom, 3/8″ off right side of the cover, with a 1/8″ cutout down the middle . This is an example of reproducing (with author’s permission) a hard copy tract that is equal to or better quality than the original. The Adobe Indesign drop shadows on the title could not be carried over in making the PDF.
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on Who Is Jesus? (English) by End-Time Handmaidens
June 24th, 2009
Filed under: New Tracts | Comments Off on “How To Receive God’s Power” by Prince Handley
June 21st, 2009
This is a 1200 dpi scan of a printed tract, reproduced and properly laid out at the highest possible quality to print two per legal size sheet. The Reflex Blue plate has a knockout for the PMS 185 red title and blue plate (page 1 of document) background in title area has been choked to trap under the red. Gripper bite is 5/16″ but 3/8″ gripper could also work (text will shift in the columns). The two PDF document pages are read wrong / flip horizontal / mirror image for making a film positive on a color laser printer from which to make a metal printing plate. 3/8″ trims off the cover end, 5/16″ trims off the top and bottom, and 1/8″ trims out of the middle. The tract is a work and turn so only one set of plates is required. Tract has two folds and the Hebrew language reads from right to left.
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