Know Your Future English Read Order Poster for a Window Display


Two printed posters taped together and laminated are 22.5″ tall by 56.5″ wide. For a printing instructions  document, click Here.



2 color tract for Inkjet or Color Laser Printer. Two to a letter landscape sheet. Two folds. Contains a type-able text box for adding contact information before printing. Right click in the text box for formatting (bold or Italic). When folded this tract easily fits in a shirt pocket. A larger full color version for letter half card stock is also available – e-mail David:

World’s Greatest Lifesaver

Download  Just as a person attempting to escape from an upper story of a building on fire needs a fireman, God has provided Jesus Christ as our  only Way to escape Hell and an eternity without God. Looking to Jesus not only saves us from eternal torment, but gives us eternal happiness in God’s residence, heaven. God’s Bible promises (His ability to keep His word) are our assurance of spending eternity with Him.

What Fills the Void? read order

Adobe Photoshop PDFDownload

read order e-tract for sharing on internet, optimized for fast web view. 8 pages & less than 3 megabyte file size. Note: This tract was copyrighted in 1978. I tried to contact the publisher, but they went  out of business years ago.

What Fills the Void?

Adobe Photoshop PDFDownload

San Pascal, the French Physicist, stated that there is a God shaped void inside every person that only Jesus Christ can fill. This is a reproduction, by scanner and Adobe Photoshop,  of the Life Messenger tract first printed in about 1978, but out of print for years. After an internet search and three phone calls, it appears the company went out of business.  It prints in a tabloid (11″ x 17″) sheet, two to a page, on a color laser printer or inkjet. A side trim of just over 2.5″ is required, then a cut down the middle, and two folds. A prayer of salvation was added. The same document prints on both sides of the sheet as a “work & turn”. A text field box allows one to type in contact information before printing.

When You’re Dead, You’re Not Done read order e-tract

When Youre Dead tract.inddDownload

A read order PDF Interactive tract document for sharing by social media.

What,cha Looking For? read order e-tract

Watcha Looking For tract.inddDownload

A read order PDF Interactive document for sharing by social media.

How will You come to Church? read order e-tract

How will you come to Church 2 up on ltrr.inddDownload

A read order PDF interactive document for sharing by social media.

Tomorrow e-tract

Tomorrow tract.inddDownload

A read order PDF interactive tract document for sharing by social media.

Are You Saved? read order PDF

Are You Saved tract.inddDownload

An e-tract for sharing by social media.