Como Preencher O Vazio?

DownloadWFTV Portuguese web thumbnail

Portuguese What Fills the Void for an inkjet or color laser printer.  Two per letter size sheet, a work and turn.  Contains a Text Box Field for typing in contact information before printing. For a printing press version with color separations e-mail David:

Messiah’s Identity Revealed QR code stickers

MIR QR Website ThumbnailDownload

These labels/stickers are 6 to a page on Avery Label template 5164 or equivalent.  When a smart phone or tablet with a built in camera, the QR code reader app, and access to the internet, scans  the code (on a quality printed label) from about 6 inches away, the phone goes online to Rich Deem’s website and the document titled Jesus Christ – Messiah of the Rabbinical Writers (used by permission of Dr. F. Kenton Beshore, President of The World Bible Society).  If a Jewish person studies these Jewish Scriptures: Torah, Prophets and Writings, then sincerely prays, asking the Lord for a personal revelation of this Messiah, and the saving of his soul by the atoning sacrifice of this Messiah; according to the promise of the Lord’s word, the Holy Bible, he will be saved, and come to experience Yeshua Personally.

Jesus Christ – Messiah of the Rabbinical Writers

MIR QR Website ThumbnailDownload

Rich Deem’s (used with permission) shortened version of Dr. F. Kenton Beshore’s printed booklet The Messiah of the Tanach, Targums, Talmuds.  This three column comparison cites Messianic Jewish Scriptures: Torah, Prophets and Writings, along with  Rabbis who believe these passages are Messianic, and B’rit Chadashah Scriptures that show the fulfillment of these Tenack prophecies.  If one carefully examines this comparison in an unbiased manner, then asks the Lord to reveal the Messiah to him, and apply the Messiah’s atoning blood to wash away the readers sins, the Identity of the Messiah will be revealed to the reader.

Here is a divine revelation prayer to wrap up the subject: “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, please reveal to me if Yeshua (Jesus) is my Messiah. If so, I ask Him to take control of my life – to be my Lord. Please save me. Forgive my sins and help me to live for You…and take me to Heaven when I die. Amen”

The above graphic is a 6 to a page sticker/label pdf document downloadable free document posted on this website.  When the QR code in a printed version of the sticker is scanned with a smart phone or tablet with built in camera with the QR code reader app installed, the phone goes on the internet to Rich Deem’s pdf document posted on his website.

What Child is this?

What Child is this 4 fold 4 laser HPMM.inddDownload

This new Christmas tract uses phrases from the Christmas carol What Child is this? to present the Good News about why Jesus came, what He did, and what we must do to benefit from it.

The World’s Most Important Prayer QR code labels

DownloadWMIP QR Avery 8164 6 up thumbnail

Document for 6 to a page labels for Avery brand #5524 (or equivalent) die cut all weather label paper for a laser printer.  When one takes a picture of the code with a smart phone or tablet with a built in camera that has the qr code reading app installed, the code links to the website page titled World’s Most Important Prayer (in English).  The page contains a media player that plays the prayer.  The words or transcript of the message are also written there, so one can follow along.  The idea is that people will say the prayer aloud after the speaker and become a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ.      To better understand what happens when one prays this prayer, click on this link to download the free e-booklet titled: What it Means to be Born Again — Understanding God’s Plan of Salvation: Download  Please e-mail David at to help make a Spanish version of this post on the website.

World’s Most Important Prayer Poster in English & Spanish

World's Most Impt. Prayer sign card table Eng & Spn. 33 x 24Download

This is a 33″ by 24″ poster document.  The document prints out on letter size pages that are assembled together with an overlap using guide marks and clear tape, like pieces in a puzzle.  the finished poster can be laminated on both sides.  Attaching pieces of Velcro at the corners will allow one to attach it to the side of a folding card table used as a prayer table display in public places.  Other display documents for the prayer table are posted together on this website.  We now have a 22″ x 28″ document that can print on a single sheet of Dollar Tree matte finish poster paper using a wide format (24 or more inches)  inkjet printer. Here is the that PDF computer document: Download

Note: We taped this sign to the inside of the large rear of building window at our print shop, a place where homeless people see it when they hang out in the rear parking lot. Using multiple sheets of this size poster board and a larger printer one could also make a sequential good news presentation using an easel to support the paper. Printing on the cheaper poster board requires more time for the ink to dry.

Messiah’s Identity Revealed!

DownloadMIR duotone 2 up website thumbnail

The Hebrew Scriptures, Tenach, or Holy Bible speak of God sending us a World Savior who will turn this world for good.  A crossword puzzle made from these sacred writings reveals who this Messiah is, and how we can personally meet Him.

Are You a Good Person?

Good person thumbnail 4 websiteDownload

Created by Ray Comfort and  Layout here is two fourfold tracts to a letter size sheet for a color laser printer or inkjet with 3/16″ margins.  This document is a quality 32 megabyte tiff image and will take time to download.  Print one side, flip the sheet, and print the other with the same image. Cut sheet in half the long way, then trim white off to make about 3/16″ border.  Fold each tract in half twice.  An e-tract version is available for free download and use at

Roman’s Road to Heaven

DownloadRoman's Road to Heaven thumbnail

Bible writer Apostle Paul, a Roman citizen was personally taught by Jesus Christ.  He also visited Heaven and returned.  In his letter to the Romans, he reveals how we can make Heaven our eternal destination.  This is a two color document, suitable for an inkjet or laser printer.

Road Map to Heaven

DownloadRoad Map to Heaven tract thumbnail

What God, in His Word the Bible, says about your eternal destination, and How you can be sure it will be Heaven. PDF Document contains a text box for adding your contact information. A Two Color version is also available from David: